The Steel Valley Baptist Association

is one of fifteen local Baptist associations in the great state of Ohio. The churches that make up our association of churches are also affiliated with the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and the Southern Baptist Convention. The Steel Valley Baptist Association is part of what is considered “New-Work ” Mission territory. The association’s area covers all of AshtabulaTrumbullMahoning, and Columbiana counties. Parts of Portage, and Geauga counties are also part of our area. The total area is about 4300 square miles. The approximate population is 870,000 people. Over 60 % of these people claim no religious affiliation. Less than 10% attend an evangelical church. Our association consists of 28 churches and 6 church plants.

Our Vision, Mission, and Core Values 

Our Vision:

We desire to reach every township, community, and people group in the Steel Valley Baptist Association area; fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord through strong, healthy, growing, reproducing, cooperating, on-mission churches ; helping to extend the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ to every nation and people group in the world.”

Our Mission:

Our mission is to assist the churches affiliated with this association in becoming strong, healthy, growing, reproducing, cooperating, on-mission churches through connecting them with the resources they need to carry out their God-given vision in reaching this area and the world for Christ.”

Our Core Values:





As we work to fulfill the vision of the Steel Valley Baptist Association, our core values of cooperation, intentionality, effectiveness, and integrity will guide all that we do. 

These core values mean that we will work in total cooperation with one another, pooling resources for the benefit of people, churches and missions in this associational area. We will move with intentionality in resourcing churches and missions to fulfill their God-given vision in reaching people for Jesus Christ. Our goal is to strive for maximum effectiveness in connecting churches and missions with the resources that will make them effective in reaching people for salvation, membership and discipleship. All work will be done with integrity through obedience of Biblical principles in all of our work and interaction.